The Non-Aggression Principle

Like many other ideologies in the United States, the very foundation is rooted in the Non-Aggression Principle to a varying degree. The NAP, is a simple code of ethics in which any forceful interference, threat of interference, or preparation of interference of either an individual or their property, is inherently wrong. This principle forms the core of the Sovereign Prosperity’s belief systems and guides it in decision making.

1.1 Property

The property of an individual is truly sacred, both physical and intellectual. An individual should have the complete right to own, obtain, possess, change, and use their own property how they see fit. There should be no government or other akin organization that dictates what you can and can not do with your property. So long as you do not infringe on others rights to do the same.

1.2 The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights and its following amendments in the US Constitution should be taken extremely seriously, preserved, and unchanged. They were written to preserve our rights, and left vague to purposefully encompass ALL instances and ALL rights. Their words should not be misconstrued or used to violate themselves.

1.3 Private Life

Every individual deserves privacy and the respect to be different or private. Nobody should stalk, monitor, or observe others life or property without explicit consent. As such, no matter what people's sexuality, gender, mental illnesses, situation, relationships, and other information that is not explicitly public, should be respected and left alone.

1.4 Children

In regards to the NAP, abortion is completely out of the question in all instances besides potential death of the mother, rape, or medical issues. Termination of a child for the purpose of simply not wanting it, is a scary and terrifying practice that sadly affects millions of unborn children yearly. Just because a fetus can not speak or communicate its thoughts and emotions to you, does not mean it does not have any. A fetus is a human life, and as such killing it unjustly is very much akin to murder. Care and caution must be taken on this issue.

Parents have the right to raise or guide children, as this is what being a parent should be, but a parent should never force a child to do, say, or participate in something they explicitly do not wish to take part in. Respect for your child and their rights is just as important as caring for them.

1.5 Justice

Governmental organizations should not be the ones acting out justice, as their mere purpose and existence hinges upon the limitation of rights, they can not be reasonably responsible for the judgement of infractions on others rights. Justice instead should be carried out by the individual or organization affected themselves, now we know how this sounds, it sounds like mob rule, but it is not. “Mob rule” exists in the modern day because there are the unnatural and illogical systems of justice in place today that protect it. In our system of justice, not only will crime drop because everyone is free to retaliate and defend themselves and their property, it will eliminate any form of group forming that will seek to control others using the system, as an attack on one person's rights, can be seen as an attack on everyone's rights and thus reacted to in such manner. The act of violating the NAP voids you from using it as a defense, it is a window not a mirror.

1.6 Death

Death, or causing death in another is unacceptable in all cases besides the most extreme. Death penalty shall be allowed for those who request it, or for those who have done significant harm to their community in acts such as murder or extreme property damage.

1.7 Self Defense

Everyone, regardless of denomination, is encouraged and should be permitted to defend themselves and their property, as well as their communities as they see fit. Local militias, watch groups, and the like are encouraged so long as they don’t overstretch to become aggressive as opposed to defensive. The sale, possession, and trade of firearms, munitions, and weapons should not be regulated.